
I think it's fine the way it is. I also thought the first one was fine. What others are seeing as "distraction," I see as "texture."
I'd leave the element on the left out of the picture. Move the camera down to eliminate too much blank space at top and include all of the grain in the picture. I don't think cutting off the tips of those two helps the shot.. But this is all my opinion.

Thanks Alan, appreciate the comments. Having a remarkably difficult time composing this shot as the breeze is always blowing and they seem to move like crazy. Tried for a reshoot yesterday real quick and couldn't get what I wanted.

Thanks Lim! I'm glad you see texture (I do too). You mentioned earlier about your obsession with these shots and I'm totally there. Something about the summertime weather and just wanting to find my way into the middle of a wheatfield at sunset. Unfortunately, the time hasn't presented itself yet so I'm stuck with decorative grass in the neighbors yard. C'est la vie.
Here's one I got in the front of my house a couple of years ago:

Day 326 - Reeds by limrodrigues, on Flickr

and this isn't wheat, but it's close enough ;)

Day 210 - Reeds 2 by limrodrigues, on Flickr

Around here we have a lot of reeds, and it kills me every time I see the sun coming through those reeds and I don't have a camera.
hey Leonore, #2 that's my second favorite of yours :)
The first one seems a bit too in your face, made me feel like I wanted to take a slight step back. The second one has space at the top and the reeds are barely in the frame to the lower right. I'd probably take a few shots as someone mentioned and vary your vantage point and composition a little with each one.

I think I'd like just a little more depth of field because the largest reed doesn't quite seem like it's all in focus. Maybe depending on the time of day and angle of the sun you'd need to get more than one shot too to make sure you got a good exposure and good color. Because if the reed is red and gold you'd probably want that to show.

I'd maybe tinker with these as they're good and might just need some adjustment but I find if it isn't what I want the more I mess with it the worse it gets. Either that or if I leave it alone sometimes when I come back I see right away what's wrong with it, or scrap it and go on to something else as the case may be!
The first one seems a bit too in your face, made me feel like I wanted to take a slight step back. The second one has space at the top and the reeds are barely in the frame to the lower right. I'd probably take a few shots as someone mentioned and vary your vantage point and composition a little with each one.

I think I'd like just a little more depth of field because the largest reed doesn't quite seem like it's all in focus. Maybe depending on the time of day and angle of the sun you'd need to get more than one shot too to make sure you got a good exposure and good color. Because if the reed is red and gold you'd probably want that to show.

I'd maybe tinker with these as they're good and might just need some adjustment but I find if it isn't what I want the more I mess with it the worse it gets. Either that or if I leave it alone sometimes when I come back I see right away what's wrong with it, or scrap it and go on to something else as the case may be!

Thanks for the comments Sharon!

Maria, what did you think of the last two I posted (without editing and the different composition)?
Maria, what did you think of the last two I posted (without editing and the different composition)?

Please don't ask for my opinion any more... Now when I know you're a dude I won't like anything you capture. Yes, a complete discrimination! ;) (to be sure you know... I'm just kidding!)

Sorry Brick, I didn't even see the rest of the pictures.

I actually like better those you posted after. The thing is, really, that this is just my personal preference. See how other people react nicely, but I would still call this "practice" and go reshoot.

I already told you how I feel about the first one. I would back off with black/contrast. One of the reasons I think like that is... see Leonore's first picture. It's very nice and it's film. Yours is digital and I kind of connect digital and that kind of image with less contrast.

The mood of Grain2 is great really, I wouldn't change a thing regarding that, but it needs a bit work in composing.'s just me and don't listen to me...

Go shoot some more reed... it's a great subject for a photograph that evokes emotions and it's a great subject for you to practice what else and how can you do with it.
Maria, what did you think of the last two I posted (without editing and the different composition)?

Please don't ask for my opinion any more... Now when I know you're a dude I won't like anything you capture. Yes, a complete discrimination! ;) (to be sure you know... I'm just kidding!)

Sorry Brick, I didn't even see the rest of the pictures.

I actually like better those you posted after. The thing is, really, that this is just my personal preference. See how other people react nicely, but I would still call this "practice" and go reshoot.

I already told you how I feel about the first one. I would back off with black/contrast. One of the reasons I think like that is... see Leonore's first picture. It's very nice and it's film. Yours is digital and I kind of connect digital and that kind of image with less contrast.

The mood of Grain2 is great really, I wouldn't change a thing regarding that, but it needs a bit work in composing.'s just me and don't listen to me...

Go shoot some more reed... it's a great subject for a photograph that evokes emotions and it's a great subject for you to practice what else and how can you do with it.

Thanks for looking again Maria. I was glad to hear your opinion because after spending more time with it, I think I agree with you that the second shot without the editing looks better to me. Closer to what I 'saw'.
Thanks for looking again Maria. I was glad to hear your opinion because after spending more time with it, I think I agree with you that the second shot without the editing looks better to me. Closer to what I 'saw'.
No problem. I'm waiting for you to come up with new pictures.

I just can't get used to the fact you're a guy. I'll need some time to adjust ;)
Hahaha. Not a problem. Just curious about what surprises you so much? I probably fit the MWAC profile pretty well huh?
Hahaha. Not a problem. Just curious about what surprises you so much? I probably fit the MWAC profile pretty well huh?
See, you understand! ;)

I don't know why, really, it's just when I noticed you I made the decision about you being a girl and that was it... I found out when you posted that selfie. I know you much longer as a girl as opposed to knowing you're a dude. I need time!

Oh, also, I know you like to play doctors :)
That's funny! We'll, if it helps, you can continue to think of me as a girl. I'm secure. I have a great wife and daughter with another little girl on the way. My life is filled with pink and glitter (unless I'm at work, then it's stinky Marines, talk about two extremes)!
I actually like these shots and the subject too. I have a few that I took early on in my dslr life. I would like to post them here if you don't mind. Something about them made me feel like I knew what I was doing, but surely it was just the camera and kit lens.

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