Green Explosion

Matt Tilghman

No longer a newbie, moving up!
May 17, 2011
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Like so many people in the Bay Area, I've got drought fever. The landscape has just been so dry this winter. I miss the verdant scenes I've come to expect this time of year. So when the most recent heavy rains hit, all I wanted to do was head out to see how the lands would react. I wanted to go somewhere that I thought would react fairly immediately to the rains, as well as somewhere that I hadn't been yet. So after some deliberation, I decided to head out to Samuel P Taylor State Park -- a forest I'd passed through on several visits to Point Reyes, but never hiked in. The park was the perfect destination. The forests were indeed teeming with moisture, and the greens were exploding from their den of hiding. This photo was taken on Bill's Trail. The clearing storm made for a windy day, hence some motion blur in the foreground ferns.

Green Explosion
what a beautiful place to be in it!

as for the photo, I don't like the crop, but that's just my taste/opinion

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