Greetings from Boston MA


TPF Noob!
Jan 10, 2021
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Hey all,

Just joined the forums, Recently picked up a Sony a6100 and a few lenses (Ill list them below) and I am quite new to photography. Trying to read up as much as possible on all the different terminology and how all the settings effect the pictures.

As for my 'goals' well mostly it is to take pictures of my hobbies, I collect/build model cars and like to shoot realistic photos of those as well as building high end PC's and like taking photos of those. When those dont take all my money taking pictures of real cars too. Beyond that I would like to just be a competent all around photographer (taking pictures of the stars at night might be fun).

I use the a6100 for a lot of video meetings i do at work and also to replace my webcam for recording mixed reality VR videos.

I picked up the a6100 with the 16-50mm kit lens a Sony 30mm Macro lens and a Sony 55-210mm lens as well.
Forgot to include a couple example photos (Keep in mind I am brand new and pretty much have no idea what I am doing lol)

DSC00052_resized.jpg 136358313_10159509533332792_516626224119378245_o.jpg

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