hello again
well writing about how i feel about things isnt my strongest point, but ill give it a shot. So this is all my opinion.
I can see whether you would or would not take a picture like this. Like i said before, i was thinking about it too. One side is, that you do invade their privacy in a way. Since its their time to mourn and think about the person that has left them. On the other hand, i didnt disturbed these people when they had this moment. So they still had there private moment. This is the only picture i took of those 3 people. I wasnt in their face with a big lens trying to find the best composition for the photo. This was a snapshot.
And if you look at a average newspaper you see lots of shots of peoples privacy being invaded. Just look at the people mournin over their lost families in the earthquake area. Most of those pictures are about capturing an emotion on film/sensor. And some of those pictures win a pulitzer prize. I think the photographer didnt ask permition to take the picture of the person in the shot. Probably most people dont even know that their picture was taken and never will.
In some cases you can go to the person and ask if its ok if you take their picture. But in this case it would be more inappropriate to do that, then just take the picture IMO. Plus the fact that you will lose the moment if you would do that. Then there is the fact that you can go to the person after you have taken the photo. But then you would really invade their privacy and the moment that they had is no longer theirs.
Ok, i tried to put my opinion in words here and i took a long time to do that..........man its harder then an essay at school. And that is pretty hard for me too :mrgreen:
Anyways, thanks for all the comments and opinions
*Edit* horrible spelling