Handfeeding a baby Linnie!


TPF Noob!
Jan 5, 2008
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Hey everyone,​

I'm finally handfeeding a bird the tube way and I'm very good at it, this lady let me take this linnie unweaned and he's SO adorable, he makes these purring sounds and adores being cuddled like most baby fids. Once fully weaned he'll be ready for a new home if I don't get too attached to him, what a sweetie!​



The composition of the last shot is awesome! Definitely my favorite of the 3.
The composition of the last shot is awesome! Definitely my favorite of the 3.
Forgot to mention I was not trying to make the photos pro looking lol,

I just wanted to share the cuties face.

But thanks anyway. :D
Very nice series, I like #3 the best. I always loved hand feeding. The big macaws were my favorite to feed. But they do make a mess. Great shots, and good luck.
Once fully weaned he'll be ready for a new home if I don't get too attached to him, what a sweetie!
Heehee, if I was a betting person, I'd say you're probably going to get attached to him!! He's terribly cute, and makes such a good model. That last shot really is beautiful, what with the 'pose' and the bright colours. Thanks for sharing.
That last shot is amazing, what an adorable bird! Baby fid? What's fid? (I'm assuming that's like.. an abbreviation of the type? o_o)

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