Handheld macro/close-up shots


TPF Noob!
Aug 18, 2006
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Nova Scotia, Canada
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How many of you use your macro set-ups hand held? I will be buying a Canon 430EX II to go with my Canon macro lens to shoot flowers and the occasional butterfly. The flash is so I don't have need of a tripod to get the shots I want. Essentially, my intent is to shoot them as abstracts using the macro lens to give me the look I want.
Any macro work I have done, which is minimal, was done in natural light and often necessitated a slow shutter speed and a tripod. In using a flash I am hoping to avoid the slow shutter speed and the tripod. I am hoping there is a few of you who shoot in this manner and can give me some insight as to your experiences. Thank you.

I shoot my macros handheld probably over 90% of the time. I use a flash with a DIY diffuser. Hoping to get a flash bracket soon to give me a little more control over the direction of the flash, but still, I think the results are pretty decent.

daylily_1369 by sm4him, on Flickr

You can see some other examples on my flickr page, using the link under the second photo.

I use a Nikon D5100 and a Tokina 100mm lens--almost always set at 1/200 with the flash on for macros, but my aperture ranges from 4 to 32, depending on what my objective is.
I shoot almost all of my insect macro handheld.. the little buggers don't hold still long enough for anything else. I also shoot 90% of them with flash! Word of advice.. Diffuse the flash, the larger the modifier the better ( I usually use a 9"x9" softbox). Getting the flash off camera is a big help.. a good bracket like the Kirk Macro bracket is very handy.
I shoot my macros handheld probably over 90% of the time. I use a flash with a DIY diffuser. Hoping to get a flash bracket soon to give me a little more control over the direction of the flash, but still, I think the results are pretty decent.

daylily_1369 by sm4him, on Flickr

You can see some other examples on my flickr page, using the link under the second photo.

I use a Nikon D5100 and a Tokina 100mm lens--almost always set at 1/200 with the flash on for macros, but my aperture ranges from 4 to 32, depending on what my objective is.

Wow.... a student who actually listened! :) :-P Very nice, Sharon!
With my canon setup a tripod is a must and the focus rail really helps. With my nikon setup I can go either way, but I have noticed an increase in sharpness when using a tripod.
Wow.... a student who actually listened! :) :-P Very nice, Sharon!

Well, I AM smart enough (barely) to figure out that when someone whose work you admire gives you advice, it's really in your best interests to Follow. It. :D

By the way, OP--it's true, everything I've learned so far about macro (only been doing it a few months now) has basically been from listening to Charlie/cgipson and 480sparky. They KNOW their stuff and are MORE than willing to lend advice to anyone who will actually heed it!

EDIT: 480sparky, NOT sparky480. I blame a lack of caffeine for my backwardness today.
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99% of my macro work are focus stacks...... Hand-held is obviously not an option. A tripod (hee hee.... a $25 one) with a 4-way focus rail is the rule for me. I generally shoot with a tethered laptop as well.
Wow.... a student who actually listened! :) :-P Very nice, Sharon!

Well, I AM smart enough (barely) to figure out that when someone whose work you admire gives you advice, it's really in your best interests to Follow. It. :D

By the way, OP--it's true, everything I've learned so far about macro (only been doing it a few months now) has basically been from listening to Charlie/cgipson and sparky480. They KNOW their stuff and are MORE than willing to lend advice to anyone who will actually heed it!

Hey.. don't blame us for your addiction! lol! I am just glad you are enjoying macro! I enjoy seeing your shots!

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