Handsome Sunbird (Aethopyga bella)


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Oct 6, 2010
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Islas Filipinas
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Handsome Sunbird (Aethopyga bella) by Paolo Dolina, on Flickr

A tiny bird of wooded areas from the lowlands to the mountains. Has a fairly long, curved bill, a white belly, an olive wing, and a yellow patch on the back. Male has a yellow throat and chest, a purple ear spot, and a purple mustache stripe tipped with green. Note the green forecrown and pointed tail. Male somewhat resembles Metallic-winged Sunbird and other similar species, but Handsome has a red face and back. The drab female is similar to many other species, but is tiny and relatively short-billed. Voice includes a high-pitched jumbled song and a repeated sharp “chik!”

Source: https://ebird.org/species/hansun1

Location: Makiling Botanic Gardens · College, University of the Philippines, Los Baños, 4031 Laguna, Philippines
Beautiful! I think this is a lovely composition.

Nice shot but a pity you were not closer.....
With respect, I disagree! :) I enjoy seeing these rare (to me) birds perched in surrounding habitat, not just super close like a shot for an encyclopedia. This has charm.
A little bit lost in all that highlight but a beautiful bird. Slightly tighter crop perhaps?

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