Hank The Heron

Scott Whaley

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Aug 4, 2018
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I have been going back looking at some of my older photos and I ran into these that I took of "Hank The Heron." He lives by Fort Loudon Lake here in the Knoxville, TN area. I could not let K9Kirk post all of the bird photos.

Heron On Lake (2 of 4).jpg

Heron On Lake (3 of 4).jpg
Heron On Lake (4 of 4).jpg
Heron On Lake (1 of 4).jpg
Very nice shots of Hank.
Nice flight shots.
Not too bad a set.
Dude, thank you so much for posting these, I feel all alone in this at times.
I love these shots, you did very well with them all but if I had to choose a favorite it would be #4. I like it best for the perspective. TFS.

BTW, I like his name, it makes me think of Hank Erin.
Dude, thank you so much for posting these, I feel all alone in this at times.
I love these shots, you did very well with them all but if I had to choose a favorite it would be #4. I like it best for the perspective. TFS.

BTW, I like his name, it makes me think of Hank Erin.
Thanks! That's why I call him Hank The Haron.

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