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have i bought cheap and paid the price?


TPF Noob!
Oct 30, 2015
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I have bought a Yongnuo EF 50mm f1.8 lens and the quality is awful. It never seems to focus properly and its rather obvious. Have i made the mistake of buying cheap or is it just a faulty lens. The problem is i bought it about 6 months ago and have never used it so its probably too late for a refund.

Regards Peakapot
Its hard to say for sure. I have had great success with Yongnuo products but I don't have that lens. I had heard good things about it so maybe you got a bad copy. Can you post some pictures so that we know what you are referring to? Does it "hunt" to focus, or is it not focusing at all. Is it possible that you are missing focus? Post some photos... let us help.
I didn't know YN was selling lenses; my guess would be that you got a bad copy of a mediocre (at best) product. Reverse-engineering electrical items (flashes, triggers, etc) is relatively easy since the components are often bought from the same place as the name-brand stuff; but optics on the other hand are a fish of an entirely different feather. In addition, QC in third-party factories is often (usually?) of a much lower standard than name-brand. On the bright side, I'm sure it will make a nice paper-weight.
Ok this is all i have in front of me just now so bare with me. One picture was taken with the canon 18-55mm kit lens nothing fancy, the other with the Yongnuo. Both pictures were taken on a tripod with a remote. Its obvious even from these poor pictures when you look at the detail in Pepa pigs face. Also i had the same aperture size so its not a depth of field issue. thoughts?
IMG_0093.webp IMG_0094.webp
haha no idea why its posted the pictures loads of times. apologies.
Looks like a bad copy to me; out curiosity does the image appear sharp in the viewfinder, and have you tried manual focusing?
I have tried manual focus but i can not for the life of me get a crisp image. When looking through the view finder i cant really notice a difference between lenses. As soon as it appears on the lcd though i can see its way out.
A few months ago I watched Kai's digitalrevdotcom review of the Yongy Canon 50/1.8 imitation lens...Uggh! It's a clunker. Not even up to 1930's-era standards for a 5cm length lens for 35mm sized image sensors. I noticed that the EXIF report calls it a Sigma lens! The one lens created a dreadfully, dreadfully poor image, while the other lens shows good,small detail info.
I'm also not sure why they bother knocking off the EF 50mm! You can buy used copies in great condition for less than a hundred bucks.
I bought it that long ago theres no way i will get a refund. Had a quick look on Ebay and i can get a new canon lens for £85. Looks like iv found my next purchase. Thanks for all the help. looks like the bin for this bit of kit.
I'm also not sure why they bother knocking off the EF 50mm! You can buy used copies in great condition for less than a hundred bucks.

really, the refurbished 50mm STM was less than $90

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