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Having so much fun!


TPF Noob!
Jan 13, 2012
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Tonight I decided to play around with figuring out more manual mode stuff, this time in poorly lit living room at night. It's actually fun to start playing with iso, shutter speed, aperture, built-in flash, and the 580EX-II (and aiming that one around at different places), just to see how it all works together. I just shot over and over again at my daughter who was sitting at the computer looking at nail polish sites and trying to ignore me. It all started coming together seeing how different settings combinations work, and getting used to all the buttons on the 7D.

For the other beginners like me (is there *anyone* as much of a beginner as me? Maybe only my 6 year old who tonight reminded me that she feels left out of taking pics when the 10 year old is with me! woohoo! another one to help get into this fun!)

Anyway, Bryan Peterson's "Understanding Exposure" is awesome reading and helps it come together -- how the different settings all work together.

And the 7D is a great piece of hardware, even with a cheap-o lens. ;-) Why does a novice like me need a 7D? well, who said anything about *need*? hehehe... Actually, I briefly had a t2i and hated it. Tried the t3i the next year and hated it. Picked up the 7D and never want to put it down.

Anyway, having fun, and just had to share with you all.

(And next time we go out actually shooting something besides my daughter at the computer in a poorly lit room, maybe I'll post a bit).

Great that you are having fun.

Too many photographers forget that it is enjoyable.

Hi ho.

Shoot not younglings.
Great that you are having fun.

Too many photographers forget that it is enjoyable.

Hi ho.

Shoot not younglings.

Lol... but where's the fun in photography if you can't shoot younglings? :)

Awesome! I'm getting my first DSLR next weekend so I'll be in the same place! No children, so kitty portraits will have to do :)
yeah, that's what I've also been doing: shoot, shoot, shoot!

usually the same pic over & over just with different settings. Still learning.
Awesome! I'm getting my first DSLR next weekend so I'll be in the same place! No children, so kitty portraits will have to do :)

Have you decided what you are going to get?
Glad you are having fun. I also like Understanding Exposure so far. Good read!

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