Having Trouble Mounting Canon 50mm 1.4 S.S.C


TPF Noob!
Aug 11, 2015
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Hi guys :) hopefully I'm in the right place.. Haven't used this before haha apologies if I'm not.
Anyway, I've been trying to mount this 50mm 1.4 to my camera and it doesn't seem to sit down flush. I can't see anything that's stopping if.. And it looks much the same as my other fd lenses. If anyone has any ideas that would be much appreciated.
We had this SAME issue on here about less than two months ago! Seems like the "dots" need to be aligned properly...dink around with the lens and the silver collar, see if you cvan get the dots to align so that it will go in. As I recall, the SSC lenses are breech-lock, so they go "IN" and then the ring is rotated, and that snugs the back of the mount up against the back of the "breech"...it's not a regular bayonet, but instead a breech-lock system.
someone still uses film cameras?
do they still make film?

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