HDR Portrait...feedback please


TPF Noob!
Jun 21, 2010
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit

feedback please and thanks...

its my first attempt
Your link from Facebook doesn't work.
Keep in mind that image URLs NEED TO end in .jpg ... no other link will work. Yours does not end in .jpg ... so it cannot work.
clever, i tried to think of something "cute" to say, but blownout highlights wasn't even close.
Just as a word of caution or advice...I would be careful about linking to Facebook profiles which contain peoples names--especially those of minors.

It's one thing to post anonymously, and quite another to do so with a name attached with a profile containing other information.
I still don't see a pic? Did i miss something?
Oh finally. I like this shot. Beauty and the Bashed. I dont see any benefits of HDR. Darks are too dark. But the sky is not good showing the bad aspects of HDR. As for the pose Im wondering what she is looking at that is so interesting.
Oh finally. I like this shot. Beauty and the Bashed. I dont see any benefits of HDR. Darks are too dark. But the sky is not good showing the bad aspects of HDR. As for the pose Im wondering what she is looking at that is so interesting.

I see dead people

It's a cool shot
Oh finally. I like this shot. Beauty and the Bashed. I dont see any benefits of HDR. Darks are too dark. But the sky is not good showing the bad aspects of HDR. As for the pose Im wondering what she is looking at that is so interesting.

I agree completely
I think HDR was used in this case simply to pull out more detail than a standard shot

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