Headed to Ghana Need your Help


TPF Noob!
May 14, 2010
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Hello Everyone.

I am a professional photographer from Austin Tx. I am headed to Ghana in August to do a photo/video documentary on a missionary organization. I have started an indiegogo campaing and need peoples comments and shares to get on the featured page. I had hired a grant writer and applied to over 2 dozen organizations and have been denied by them all so far. I have no where else to turn but to the photography community and ask for your support. Thank you.

Travis Tank
God In Ghana -- Indiegogo
No sir, I am simply asking if you would take a look at my project and comment on it. I guess I am soliciting comments or interest from fellow photographers. Feel free to pass though.
I have nothing but respect for people who take time out of there lives to help less fortunate, regardless of beliefs.
Hmmm...are we allowed to talk about this subject? Or is it taboo, and one sided?

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