Hello, 1st post, 1st pic. Comments welcome!


TPF Noob!
Jul 7, 2009
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Wyomissing, PA
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Hello forum, my name is Tony and this is my first post. I took this picture last weekend while blueberry picking with my family. I am still very much a beginner, figuring out my new Nikon D60, which is my first DSLR (upgraded from a Sony P&S). I welcome any comments!


ISO 100

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If you want critiques, you should post the image in the forum and not a link to flickr. Few people will follow the link.
I'm fairly new as well, but the first thing that I noticed was that the blueberry was dead-center, which doesn't really work very well for the subject, IMO (maybe if it took up more of the frame, it would look better centered)

A thread about a great composition article was just posted here - specifically, check out the "rule of thirds"

Second, it looks like some of the stems farther up on the branch are in sharpest focus, whereas the blueberry itself looks a little soft.

Hope that's worth something ;)
is it me, or is the blueberry soft in focus....other than that, its just not an interesting subject....keep shooting!
is it me, or is the blueberry soft in focus....other than that, its just not an interesting subject....keep shooting!

The blueberry appears a bit out of focus to me as well. Maybe you can get a little closer and take the shot with the highest possible aperture your lens will allow (I believe the D60 kit lens is F3.5). This will allow for a faster shot and may sharpen it up a bit.

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