Hello, from Colorado


TPF Noob!
Jul 3, 2013
Reaction score
Colorado, USA
Can others edit my Photos
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I am currently taking photography classes in college. Its fun but can be frustrating at the same time. I am sure most of you already know that photography can be. I started to take interest in photography when I was in high school, around the age of 16. Am 22 now. I currently do photography work for a local corvette club, which is really fun to do. So mainly do car photography. I am slowly learning to do portraiture, to me its one of the most frustrating types of photography, especially for me who is a bit shy when it comes to telling people what to do. I am always learning new things when it comes to photography, and hope I can learn from others on here also, and hopefully give my best help also to others who are just starting to get into photography.
Welcome to the site.
Howdy. Welcome aboard.
Hello and welcome to the forum!
Welcome, candidchick!
Welcome from Arvada!

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