Hello from Guam!


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May 18, 2014
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Hello all!

I've been looking for an active photography forum to frequent and I think I've found one here. For the last week or so I've been lurking around and decided to finally stick with it and make an introduction post.

A little bit about myself... I am currently serving in the U.S. Air Force and I am stationed in the US Territory of Guam for next 3 1/2 years.

As for photography... I picked up a Nikon D3100 about 3 years ago on my way to visit San Francisco while back home in CA visiting family. I just left it in Auto and snapped away for about 6 months or so.. then one day decided I wanted to actually learn how to us it. I did a YouTube search on "Nikon D3100" and came across a photographer named Jared Polin (FroKnowsPhoto.com) and started watching all his tutorials and such. Once I learned how to make quality photos, I started bugging all my co-workers and friends to let me take photos of their families. After about a year of that I started doing photo gigs on the side until I moved here to Guam.

Unfortunately, here in Guam there is a large amount of Momtographers.... the market it extremely saturated and flooded with cheap fauxtographers. Although I've put the part time jobs on hold, I still shoot as much as I can when given the opportunity for my friends and co-workers.

Most of all though, I just shoot my wife or my daughter that was just born in January. Everything else I shoot is just about anything! I do enjoy taking pictures of people... and I love taking pictures for friends/co-workers of their kids birthday "Cake Smash" type photos... which are always entertaining.. kids hate frosting...weirdos!

For those of you interested, I made the switch to Canon in December of last year when I got here in Guam.

Here are a few pictures for you guys to judge me! =) Looking forward to seeing/sharing everyones work!

Thank you.

- Chris
website : Christopher P. Photography
Facebook : www.facebook.com/christopherpphotography




I'm very new here myself and I think we both made a good decision to join TPF. Welcome. And what a sweet baby girl. Such great big, beautiful eyes.


Baby photos #2 & #3 are very good. #4 & #5 have background issues. You can straighten #1 & #6 using the horizon on the ocean.
Welcome to the site.

Baby photos #2 & #3 are very good. #4 & #5 have background issues. You can straighten #1 & #6 using the horizon on the ocean.

Thanks for the tips! The photos with the jacked up horizons were more so snapshots. The other two were just random spots my daughter happened to be! :)
Welcome aboard Chris...
Thank ya thank ya!
WOW! Beautiful shots :) great work :)

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