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Hello from Iowa.


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Dec 30, 2016
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Hi there, name's Chris. I'm an east coaster stuck in the Midwest. Several years ago I owned a newspaper, so I still lean towards sports pictures, however I'm trying to expand my horizons.

My buddy in photography is my 14 year old daughter. So you'll see pics by both of us here. I'll make sure to label them properly.

Already seen from one day of browsing that I'm out of my league but it'll help me get better.

Sent from my iPhone using ThePhotoForum.com mobile app
Welcome aboard. That's about the age my youngest discovered photography.
Already seen from one day of browsing that I'm out of my league but it'll help me get better.

Everybody fits in here in some way. Granted, I can't compete with the good photographers, but I attempt to offer meaningful critique when and if I can.

Please post whenever you are inspired, or seek C&C. Every shot is not a winner, but hopefully we all learn something.

Be sure to vote for the Photo of the month and any other contest in which you can vote.

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