Hello From Massachusetts!


TPF Noob!
Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
nunya, mass
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
This is the first forum I have ever signed up for. I am just starting to get into photography, I came to this forum to learn from any photographers with experience willing to help. My main goal right now is developing my skills, and to learn as much as possible. I have a blog and am willing to listen to any advice or constructive criticism from anyone with experience. How will I ever get better unless I know what I am doing wrong right? Not sure if I will get anything out of this forum but I guess I will find out.
Welcome to the site.
hello and welcome to the forum...
Welcome, I grew up in Framingham and went to college in Mass.
right now I live in Dartmouth but I used to always be in Framingham when I was a teenager I know a lot of ppl out there & thanks everyone for the welcome

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