Hello, Mr. Hawk!


Semi-automatic Mediocrity Generator
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Jul 16, 2015
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Driving down main street and I see this guy perched on a power pole.

Being that I keep my camera in the console, I stop and snag this shot. Super far away, so super cropped. What kinda hawk, if you know?
I'd say juvenile Cooper's Hawk.
I'd say juvenile Cooper's Hawk.
Thank! That would fit with my region of the country. They appear to be pressnt year-around in northeast Oklahoma, according to my guide. Thanks for that identification – the juvenile part was throwing me off!
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I wouldl put it down as a juvenile Red-tailed Hawk. The tiny bit of tail showing is not that of a Coopers (or Sharpie). Also the large amount of white with out barring leads in the same direction. Now look at the almost all reddish head, and the eye and beak color. Nothing with which to get a relative size, but that bird has some heft if that is a power pole it is perched on. The bird shows signs of the classic bowling pin shape of a Red-tailed. My opinion of course. ;)
I wouldl put it down as a juvenile Red-tailed Hawk. The tiny bit of tail showing is not that of a Coopers (or Sharpie). Also the large amount of white with out barring leads in the same direction. Now look at the almost all reddish head, and the eye and beak color. Nothing with which to get a relative size, but that bird has some heft if that is a power pole it is perched on. The bird shows signs of the classic bowling pin shape of a Red-tailed. My opinion of course. ;)
I agree...
Here's a less-cropped one:
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