Hello there!


TPF Noob!
Sep 29, 2010
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Central Coast, California
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
My name is Carrie and I from the Central Coast of California...born and raised.
I am 30, married and a mother to a 4 year old daughter.
I have been into photography since High School and have dabbled in a little of everything.

I use a Nikon D80. I have been hired for weddings and portraits for a few years now (nothing majjor, I can count on two hands the events I have covered) but I am now feeling that I should really take a step back and invest in some equipment and better my skills before I dive in and open a photography business-which is my ultimate goal.

My main focus for joining here is to learn more and broaden my horizons in photography.

The one thing I need to get is thicker skin and what better place to do that than the internet :)

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