

TPF Noob!
Mar 30, 2008
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i keep getting them all mixed up haha is there anyway to easily remember them or you would recommend for all around?? and im shooting a motorcross event this weekend what setting and anything else helpfull i would greatly apperciate... i have a canon rebel xti... with the starter lense then a tamaron 75-200.. like i said anything will help and if there is a way to remember the settings easier.. thanks
sorry if i ask to many ??s im still new here and if you dont ask you wont learn...
If you can get a basic focal depth (depth of subject area in focus) you might go TV (shutter speed priority) as you can set your shutter speed higher (1/250 or more) to freeze the motorcyclists and let the camera choose the aperture to give average exposure. Try to avoid shooting with bright lights behind the racers as the exposures may come out with the racers underexposed in any automatic setting. The meter will go for the lights and meter for that. Not the racers.
thanks that actually was worth going through... i guess ill have to think of a way to remember it...
Av is probably most flexible. You select how you want photo to look (DoF) and let camera decide shutter speed. Works great for non fast moving stuff.

I kept my camera in Av mode for LONG time.
The way I remember the settings is pretty simple: Av = aperture and Tv = shutter speed. Well the "A" in the Av makes me remember aperture and the "T" in Tv makes me think of time which in turn makes me think of speed and from that I get shutter speed. M is simple... M=Manual ;)

Weird I know but that's me! That's why they call me the "crazy" dragonlady! LOL

thanks that actually was worth going through... i guess ill have to think of a way to remember it...
A long long time ago, we use to have a very common set of recording instruments that we would use for issues such as yours. This was a long time before the common computer, cell phones, mp3 players, PDAs, etc. This set of instruments came in various sizes that allowed anywhere from very easy pocket transportability to large hand carrying size that allowed a greater amount of recorded information.

I don't know if these recording instruments are available anymore in today's computer age. They were called a pen and paper. Does anyone know of any place that may still have these available? Perhaps an antique store or something?

It was my attempt (poor attempt perhaps?) at a joke, hence the :D at the end.

Anyways, the point of the post remains. You stated "i guess ill have to think of a way to remember it..." Just write it down on a piece of paper or a 3x5 index card and slip it into your pocket. Instant cheat-cheat for you to look at when you have the camera out.

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