Help! Found a used D90 + 16-85 lens

Lazy Photographer

TPF Noob!
Jul 4, 2009
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Toronto, Canada
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I'm in talks with someone selling a one month old D90 with a 16-85 f/3.5-5.6 lens. Right now you can buy this camera in Toronto new for $884 and the lens for $660 during boxing week (total $1,544 + $200 taxes = $1,744).

The guy is selling his for $1,450, no tax. He's decided to upgrade to the D300s. The warranty card has not been filled out, so he claims the warranty would still be transferable. He also has the original receipt. He says the price is firm, but I suspect he'd drop another $50. He's local so I could see and handle the camera firsthand before buying.

1. Does this sound like a reasonable price, consider the camera is practically new?
2. How do I check the camera to ensure it's not malfunctioning?
3. Should I write down his contact info from his I.D. to ensure he's not a thief?
3. How is the best way to go about finalizing the purchase? I was thinking about meeting at a reputable camera store and having them run through the camera to ensure it's okay before I buy. Is that feasible? How much would the camera store charge me, do you think?
4. Is there anything else I should be aware of or taking care of before moving forward?

I've never bought anything used this expensive before so I'm very nervous about it, especially considering it's a complex piece of electronics. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Nikon's warranty only applies to the original owner.
All my warranty cards are still blank, because I register my gear online, not by mail and Nikon is who decides about the warranty, NOT the seller.

Either way, IT'S STILL USED GEAR. How motivated a buyer are you?

I'd say let him find another buyer.
Thanks for your thoughts. I'll know how motivated I am tomorrow after I sleep on it. It's a $300. savings but I really need to decide on if $300. is enough to justify the risk.
I dunno. I just bought a 40D for about half the price of a new one. I don't think $300 is worth it for that big of an investment into used equipment without a warranty. If it turns out something is'd probably end up costing you more than a new one. I think you should wait for a better deal.
If having the camera under full warranty is worth $300.00 to you, say, if you could get THAT camera and then add a warranty for $300.00, would you do it?

If so, then buy a new one for $300.00 more. And if you do, there are other choices than to pay full cash, like putting it on a CC so you can chargeback if that was to become necessary.

Nothing wrong with buying items on CC as long as you pay off balance soon, and not paying minimum payments for the rest of your life.

When buying used camera gear, NO MATTER WHAT seller says about warranty, or blank warranty card - always assume that there is no warranty, and pay an appropriate price for that.
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Thanks for your thoughts. I'll know how motivated I am tomorrow after I sleep on it. It's a $300. savings but I really need to decide on if $300. is enough to justify the risk.

I don't think it is. I also bought an extended 100% warranty that I could throw mine against the wall say it was an accident and get a brand new one for free. But I HATE taking risks on big ticket items.
IMO, I'd dish out the extra cash for a new D90 w/ a factory warranty or find yourself a better deal.. If you were to be shooting near water or over a hard surface and your camera drops, you're out $1500.. Then who'll be wishing they spent the extra $300?
(And did I mention the fact that you're not chancing getting a scratched lens or a body with some wear and tear?)

Just my $0.02..
..... If you were to be shooting near water or over a hard surface and your camera drops, you're out $1500.. Then who'll be wishing they spent the extra $300?...

Normally, I do not think manufacturer warranty will cover this unless Nikon doing it differently.
Eh, I'm sure you're right.. I just kind of typed and hit post.
But still, having it only for 1 month means it could still be yet to reveal a defect.. I would really hate to see you have to wave goodbye to $1500 :p
I just don't make any sense out of why he's selling the lens when he's upgrading to another nikon? It should be compatible? I don't know, the whole thing just seems sketchy. But at the same time my family lives comfortably and I'm quite biased to being safe and not taking chances, which is an obvious luxury to have.
That's not a very good deal... you can get a refurb d90 with a 1 year nikon warranty for around $700, and if you check what that lens has sold for used on ebay recently, you'll find quite a few going for $450 or less.

That's only $1150.

Refurb cameras are "like new," and a better choice then a used camera from a stranger.
Not a good deal at all. You can purchase a refurbished D300 for about 1200 from Adorama, or get a used one for about 1100, and use the difference to find a lens on Craigslist or eBay.

Or if you're dead set on the D90, then buy it refurbished from Adorama. I bought my D300 refurbed, and haven't had a single problem with it. People who buy "new new" do so because of some sort of psychological effect that comes with being the "first" owner of an item; what they dont realize is that refurbished products have the exact same condition as "new" items, except for a bit of mileage on the shutter. Beyond that, they are identical.

Long story short - walk away from this overpriced deal, or refer your seller to to see what comparable prices are. Do not be the sucker that funds his D300s purchase.
Thanks so much, everyone, for taking the time to help. In the light of a new day I've decided to walk on this one. My original plan was to wait until spring, so I think I'll fall back to that one.

One last question, off topic:

Is that 16-85 lens much better than the 18-105 kit lens? Like, is it worth the few hundred more? I've heard good things but it would be interesting to hear from those with direct experience. Thanks.

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