
TPF Noob!
Jun 27, 2020
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Hi all, I am brand new to the forum! I will admit, I mainly came on here for help figuring out what kind of camera is in this photo. It is not a detailed photo at all but I thought there might be enough clues to narrow it down.

Why do I need to find out what camera this is? I bought this point and shoot camera for $22 at a thrift store, not knowing if it would work or ever having used a film camera before. I have a great camera store in my town and they helped me figure it out and had film on sale so I bought a bunch of film and started shooting everything. After months and shooting dozens of rolls of film on this very basic, compact film camera, I had never gotten a bad shot. I wasn't shooting to win contests or for anything besides my own enjoyment, but I was really happy with every shot I took. Unfortunately, on my birthday last year, after having the camera for only 8 months, I lost it... without knowing the brand or type at all!! Since I am such a beginner, I don't even know any technical terms about it. All I know is you could not really make any adjustments to the photos you were taking, the photo attached shows most of the controls on the camera.

Since losing this camera and realizing how much I enjoyed shooting, I bought a more expensive one online. I would love to use this forum to help me learn how to use it, but so far I have not been able to shoot anything as good as what I got on the simple camera I lost in December, and have stopped shooting as much.

Please help me identify this camera! Any insight will help.

Thanks a bunch!
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Any other photos of it?
Unfortunately, no. That's why I am having so much trouble identifying what it is... of course I have photos I took on it but I am not sure how much that would help. Maybe the timestamp can tell someone something. This was taken on thanksgiving 10/24/19
Timestamps only tell us when you took the photo.
Hello, I have been searching for a couple hours. I found it!
It is a Fuji DL-800. =]

Edit* removed photos because they were not mine. Internet photos. =]
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I think you're right! This has a lot of the same features and looks similar. Not the same one but a big help! Thank you.
I think you're right! This has a lot of the same features and looks similar. Not the same one but a big help! Thank you.
See my post above yours, I found it!
I think you're right! This has a lot of the same features and looks similar. Not the same one but a big help! Thank you.
See my post above yours, I found it!
Oh, I see! Gosh, cameras do have a lot of similarities! I am so impressed that IS it! I can't read what it says on the top, but how great! Thank you for your efforts
I think you're right! This has a lot of the same features and looks similar. Not the same one but a big help! Thank you.
See my post above yours, I found it!
Oh, I see! Gosh, cameras do have a lot of similarities! I am so impressed that IS it! I can't read what it says on the top, but how great! Thank you for your efforts

I have added a picture of the front.
Yes, I apologize, my computer wasn't loading everything. that is it! I have found one on eBay. you were very helpful!

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