Help on special event photography and use of pictures


TPF Noob!
Oct 26, 2006
Reaction score
South Carolina USA
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I will be photographing a BBQ restauraunts "Grand Opening" in September and and wondering about the legalities of using the pictures, even if they have customers faces in them, which will be hard to not come across.

I am friends with one of the "waitresses" there and the owner was talking about getting some candid shots of all the employees doing their thing. I only took one because I wasn't sure if they could be used when customers are in the picture.

I would not want to have to have a model release for everyone I photography (the customers) so what would I need to do?

The owner MAY use these photographs ad advertisments so if that changes anything, please let me know.

Thank you very much

...I would not want to have to have a model release for everyone I photography (the customers) so what would I need to do?

Get model releases. Your not wanting to get them doesn't change the fact that you need them for any commercial use. And its commercial use whether or not you get paid or what type of promotional piece they appear in.
So just print out a couple hundred?

Only thing is, would there be a good way to keep everything organized so I know who has signed a release or not? If I look at the picture and I see someone's face, I just need to go up to them and tell them to look over the release and sign it and give it back to me?

So just print out a couple hundred?

Only thing is, would there be a good way to keep everything organized so I know who has signed a release or not? If I look at the picture and I see someone's face, I just need to go up to them and tell them to look over the release and sign it and give it back to me?

Yes, you would need to match a face in the image to the appropriate signed model release.

Now, it's not you that need the model release. It's the publisher of the images that needs the model release. In this case the restaurant.

Here is a critical question. What state are we talking about?

For a release to be effective the model has to be given some sort of compensation for appearing in the image.
I didn't know they had to be compensated for being in the picture.

It will be in NC. I might be able to "tag" so to speak by attaching an image comment to the picture, after that's figured out first?

I didn't know they had to be compensated for being in the picture.

It will be in NC. I might be able to "tag" so to speak by attaching an image comment to the picture, after that's figured out first?

Model Release Primer

Your welcome. There are other legal aspects you probably should explore. You have a contract with the restaurant, right? You know how to write a Use License?
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Wow, I can say nothing but thank you and thanks for the advance welcome, I figured you knew I would like that.

Awesome awesome information. That was alot of reading. I really did not know there was so much involved with this. From what I got from that first article, I am not REQUIRED to get a release and as the guy say in the first article, "It's a time-consuming process to be constantly asking people to sign releases, which can interrupt the photo process for many. Choosing to take a time-out just to get a release needs to be weighed against the commercial potential that the image has." (Model Release Primer)

I will have a contract set out with the restauraunt but I think I am thinking things through too much and wonder if my contract will even be enough?


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