Help! Please. Adobe PS


TPF Noob!
Apr 26, 2009
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I created this image in photoshop but when I save it as a jpeg and view it in any program outside of photoshop all the layers are visible. How do I get the background to be all black and the colors not be washed out like how it is in Adobe?

On my screen:

When I save it:

Thank you!
I have not had this happen and don't know if this is your solution or not but...
have you tried saving it as a copy and then flatten the image. This makes all layers into one I believe and you should then be able to view the photo in other applications and they won't see the layers.
Make sure you save the photo as a copy before you experiment.
Tried it. Still the same problem, thank you for your reply.
What happens when you save the file as a BMP,TIFF or PNG?
.tif was the same problem. Are there settings that I should change when saving as a .tif that are in menu to choose from after I press "save as"?

How do i save as a bmp and png?
Ok, I got rid of all the layers being visible but can someone tell me why the background isnt BLACK it looks all faded and not a deep dark black?

Ok, I got rid of all the layers being visible but can someone tell me why the background isnt BLACK it looks all faded and not a deep dark black?

No image. What color space are you working in?

.tif was the same problem. Are there settings that I should change when saving as a .tif that are in menu to choose from after I press "save as"?

How do i save as a bmp and png?
When you click Save As and the dialog box pops-up, click on the down arrow at the right end of the "Format" box and BMP and PNG are right there on the list along with JPEG.
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Ok, I got rid of all the layers being visible but can someone tell me why the background isnt BLACK it looks all faded and not a deep dark black?

No image. What color space are you working in?

.tif was the same problem. Are there settings that I should change when saving as a .tif that are in menu to choose from after I press "save as"?

How do i save as a bmp and png?
When you click Save As and the dialog box pops-up, click on the down arrow at the right end of the "Format" box and BMP and PNG are right there on the list along with JPEG.

You can't see the image? I'm not sure what you mean by color space, could you please expand on that? I'm kind of self-taught on PS, so I don't really know too much.

I don't see the option for PNG or BMP on the list.

I see:
Photoshop EPS
Large Document Format
Photoshop PDF
Photoshop 2.0
Photoshop Raw
Scitex CT
Photoshop DCS 1.0
Photoshop DCS 2.0

I am working in PS CS4.
Under modes make sure you are not set for 16bit mode or 32 bit set this to 8bit and let us know what your settings are.
Also make sure you have updated photoshop.
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You can't see the image? I'm not sure what you mean by color space, could you please expand on that? I'm kind of self-taught on PS, so I don't really know too much.
I just see a little box with a red x in it. But I see the screen shot you posted.

Color space: Color space - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The web is mostly sRGB and most labs want sRGB files for prints, I have my cameras set to capture as AdobeRGB and I use ProPhotoRGB to edit in Lightroom. Most of my putput gets converted to sRGB.

Offset printers work primarily in the CMYK color space.
You can't see the image? I'm not sure what you mean by color space, could you please expand on that? I'm kind of self-taught on PS, so I don't really know too much.
I just see a little box with a red x in it. But I see the screen shot you posted.

Color space: Color space - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The web is mostly sRGB and most labs want sRGB files for prints, I have my cameras set to capture as AdobeRGB and I use ProPhotoRGB to edit in Lightroom. Most of my putput gets converted to sRGB.

Offset printers work primarily in the CMYK color space.

Keith is right guero you have it set to something other then RGB
under modes select rgb and make sure your not at something other then 8bit
OMG!!! IT WORKED!!! YOU GUYS ROCK!!! hahahaahaha!! YES!! This has been bugging me for a while now! I just went under "modes" like you guys said and changed it from CMYK Color to RGB. Thank you so much, awesome help!!!:hug::
After all the stress you put us through....are you going to tell us who are those awesome gangstas?

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