[Help] Repairing my Canon A-1


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Jan 6, 2014
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I recently came into the hands of my dad's Canon A-1. At first, I was excited to start shooting when I noticed that there was something peculiar about the camera. I wasn't able to load any batteries into it.

Upon closer inspection, I noticed that the negative pole in the battery well was corroded. It had caused it to be stuck in an upright position no longer able to push down into the chamber when a battery is loaded.


Does anyone know how to repair or replace this part?
Grab a toothbrush (not your own, or one that someone else is currently using) and some vinegar.
Scrub, and clean.
Which suggestion ?

I took some q-tips and just lightly dabbed them in lemon vinegar and began softly brushing around the negative pole.

I then used a soft towel to clean and dry any excess. I did have to use some force to push the negative pole into the chamber but eventually it loosened up! Now it slides in and out with ease and I'm able to put the battery in!
Grab a toothbrush (not your own, or one that someone else is currently using) and some vinegar.
Scrub, and clean.

Worked like a charm!

I am glad to see these solutions worked for you. They are tried and true methods for this type of problem. I used to have a Canon A-1 and loved it. Happy shooting.

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