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Help!! shooting my jewelry catalog and


TPF Noob!
Jan 15, 2011
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cannot figure out how to get the jewelry true to size? or at least 90%
Have a whole oage to shoot for catalog not just one piece if you can help call 630-606-4068 i will pay if you need it!!
Macro lens.

$50 please...
How 'bout we up the price to $100, then we can both have $50.

To justify the extra cost, you should suggest a specific macro lens...
Thanks, but a macro lens doesn't help when you're shooting a whole page of jewelry setup for one shot.
Wouldn't it be easier to shoot each piece individually?

Why would you want the entire catalog to be one picture? Wouldn't that make ordering and such kinda hard?

Maybe I'm just not getting what you're trying to do...
If you looked at the catalogue, you would see they are doing layouts of all the jewelry, kinda like a still life. It is a common technique.

I could give some tips, but I am expensive.
If you looked at the catalogue, you would see they are doing layouts of all the jewelry, kinda like a still life. It is a common technique.

I could give some tips, but I am expensive.

That's funny i have heard your very cheap :lol:

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