Help with guessing how old this film is.

Justin TW

TPF Noob!
Jan 2, 2018
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Hi everyone,

I was just wondering if anyone might be able to inform me of the roughage of this film? I recently bought my first medium format camera and the lady gave me this roll of film with it. I know it's old, but I can't quite figure out how old. Or even if it's worth trying to shoot with. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Or tips when it comes to shooting long expired film.

Thanks a bunch!! Take care!

Tri-X has been around for a while ... but I think the old ones had green text on completely green background ... so this is probably modern.
I think around 2007 they changed name to 400TX
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Shoot it. It's not getting any younger.
Have you looked to see if there is an Kodak archive site.
The best I can come up with after some web resource is 1950s
Looking at images of roll film like yours on the web
Hope this helps
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That Kodak logo first appeared in the 1970s and continued on for decades afterward.
I have a link for the data sheet. I have shot it and may even have a couple rolls left. I exposed it at ISO 100 and developed it in Kodak Dektol for 6 minutes and the results were good. I would probably extend the development time to 7 minutes on the next roll. The biggest challenge was getting it on the tank spool, it took a while because it was so curled. Total pita, hence I probably still have 3 rolls left.
70's early 80's. Sell it on E-Bay and buy fresh film.

If you do shoot it I recommend Kodak X-Tol at 1:1 to better clear the base fog.

Good luck.
I'd use it for something just for fun, nothing real important so if the pictures don't turn out it's not the end of the world. B&W film and negatives seem to last for decades/indefinitely, depending on storage (hopefully not in a hot attic).
........and My very very hot attic is where I just found four rolls of VP620. :-(

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