Help with noise in sky. C&C also welcome


TPF Noob!
Nov 19, 2008
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Can others edit my Photos
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yeah im havin a hard time seeing the noise as well, if you referring to the grainyness of the sky in b&w, i think it adds to the mood of the photo

print it it should come out fine
I think that's a print and hang... the noise comes across as grain to me.
Great shot, and there is no significant "noise". The fine grain texture makes the photo look better actually. Avoid using NR - make "noise" your best friend :)

P.S. Colour noise s rather ugly but noise in B&W actually looks good (provided that it doesnt dominate the picture). It looks just like film grain.
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Yeah. Definitely one to print. I see the grain and actually quite like it.
I see the noise in the upper right. I wouldnt worry about it as everyone else says its a good look in this image. You may not even realize it when you print it.
Use the blur tool in photoshop, make sure it's a 100% strength, it should get rid of the noise. I don't see any noise but if there's some there, the blur tool should fix it
The shot looks great to me, the noise is hardly noticeable. Nice capture! Print it out and hang it!
So, just an update. I printed it out and it looks great (12"x18", which is actually larger than I thought 6mp should be printed.) It is alot less noticeable on my wife's computer (a Macbook). So, now to figure out how to fix my monitor...I see an iMac in my future.
Thanks to everyone.

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