Here you go.


TPF Noob!
Oct 9, 2014
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Tada, some photos that I took out of the blue, just sharing for the sake of it, I enjoy doing that !

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Generally speaking, you are more likely to elicit comments here if you post a picture or two in your thread rather than posting a link and hoping that people will go and pore through all your photos then come back and comment on them.
Generally speaking, you are more likely to elicit comments here if you post a picture or two in your thread rather than posting a link and hoping that people will go and pore through all your photos then come back and comment on them.
This. Nice shots but I don't know what to comment on :/
Oh I don't really care about that, I just want to share for other people to enjoy.

I rather post links, either directly to the picture or through onedrive.
As Sharon mentioned, posting links isn't really the best way. Many members are hesitant to click on links, especially to URLs that are not immediately recognizable as "safe" (Flickr, facebook, etc), since for all we know, there could be some nasty virus there just waiting to infect our computer. You're free to post links, but, the feedback and viewing will be not be what it would should you post the image(s).
Oh well, so be it.
"7 of 14" is nice.
As Sharon mentioned, posting links isn't really the best way. Many members are hesitant to click on links, especially to URLs that are not immediately recognizable as "safe" (Flickr, facebook, etc), since for all we know, there could be some nasty virus there just waiting to infect our computer. You're free to post links, but, the feedback and viewing will be not be what it would should you post the image(s).
Definitely agree. I'm hesitant to click on links for this reason and for any NSFW images. If I'm on my personal computer, I don't mind. But when I'm on my work computer.. :eek::eek:
Oh I don't really care about that, I just want to share for other people to enjoy.

I rather post links, either directly to the picture or through onedrive.

These are really ordinary snapshots.

There are no set rules to make photos, and thus there are not really 'normal' or 'by the book' ones.
As Sharon mentioned, posting links isn't really the best way. Many members are hesitant to click on links, especially to URLs that are not immediately recognizable as "safe" (Flickr, facebook, etc), since for all we know, there could be some nasty virus there just waiting to infect our computer. You're free to post links, but, the feedback and viewing will be not be what it would should you post the image(s).
Definitely agree. I'm hesitant to click on links for this reason and for any NSFW images. If I'm on my personal computer, I don't mind. But when I'm on my work computer.. :eek::eek:

I can understand.
Oh I don't really care about that, I just want to share for other people to enjoy.

I rather post links, either directly to the picture or through onedrive.

These are really ordinary snapshots.

There are no set rules to make photos, and thus there are not really 'normal' or 'by the book' ones.

What I should have said so that it was really clear, but hesitated to be too brusque, was that these were not specifically good, interesting, enjoyable or well-done.
In that sense, they are like 99% of all photos on the web, very ordinary and boring, showing neither artistic insight or technical skills.
I need to have a windows account to view? Lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I didn't know that, I will use dropbox from now on then.

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