I just bought a nicl little point and click camera (it's all I could afford) and there's a few shots I like... tell me what you think, and how to get the most out of my camera:
1. "Reflections of Firenza"
2. "Abstract in Blue"
3. "Life at the Line" (taken last night in my bedroom with a strobelight and 2 model cars)
4. "Eclipse of an Eclipse"
Tell me what you think.
P.S. It's so much fun to name pictures!
1. "Reflections of Firenza"

2. "Abstract in Blue"

3. "Life at the Line" (taken last night in my bedroom with a strobelight and 2 model cars)

4. "Eclipse of an Eclipse"

Tell me what you think.
P.S. It's so much fun to name pictures!