

TPF Noob!
Aug 10, 2005
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Has anyone else fallen in love with this show? So far it's effing amazing.

I would say better than Bauer Hour, but that's because last season was pretty crap. We'll see what happens this season.
nope haven't seen it.... is it a cop/agent thing?....

better than bauer hour huh... wow must be good.
No it's basically X-Men without the franchise reference.

It's live action too. Not the Cartoon.

The first four episodes have been all character building and plot building. The show is insane. They're all discovering their powers and stuff.

cool... probably be a while till we get it over here... i'll look out for it.
I was expecting it to be a total comic book tren ripoff, but I'm surprised by the fact that they actually seem to have hired writers for the show. :p The powers may not be that original (I said to my wife, "That girl needs an adamantium skull!"), but the stories are enjoyable and just addicting enough. :)

I've enjoyed it so far, and I certainly won't miss it next week.
The acting is pretty solid too. That Asian guy is the best so far. He's gonna save the day, period.
Hi Corry! Yeah...it's been an interesting time!!!
Yeah, it's a cool show.

I'm looking forward to see Prison Break season 2.
Yup, my fav show of the season for sure.

Bace: That asian guy was on an old episode of Scrubs I saw last week. Apparently he worked on the editing/cgi for a couple of the new Star Wars movies too.
surfingfireman said:
Yup, my fav show of the season for sure.

Bace: That asian guy was on an old episode of Scrubs I saw last week. Apparently he worked on the editing/cgi for a couple of the new Star Wars movies too.

I actually read an article that said he still holds a position with Industrial Light and Magic. He used to work at a location that was nowhere near L.A. at one point and they allowed him to go to L.A. to look for acting work. They gave him a certain amount of time to find acting work and he managed to land a role in a pilot for some show that got canceled, but as per the contract he was allowed to move there permenantly which is how he scored this gig.

Funny how he still has a day job, even though the show is number one in American TV now (atleast that what NBC is saying).

Great show. Amazing cast. And looks like the story is developing quite well. I do wish they would get on with it though. Make them meet up. Pick a leader. And lets start using the powers to save the world already. I don't care about the rapist dude smashing into a wall. That's small potatoes with powers like that. Damnit.
I'm loving this show. Last week I downloaded all four episodes off bittorrent and watched them (there were only 4 by last week... now there are 5). I'm hooked on it as much as Lost now.

Hiro has to be my favorite character. "Ooh! Waffles!"
(And the fact that he says "Yatta!" all the time) :lol:
Very minor spoiler below... Don't read if you are planning to watch the episode later.

During the last episode, I actually cheered when Politician Petrelli blasted off away from the "bad guys".

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