Hey, ma! Look a what I caught


TPF Noob!
Dec 21, 2011
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Chicago area
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A couple summers ago I spotted this butterfly and was wondering why it was situated in the position it was. &nbsp;As I looked closer I saw the mantis so I ran inside and grabbed the camera. &nbsp;Later I was thinking I should have hung around and got a shot of him eating it but aren't we all Monday morning quarterbacks at times?<br><br>Jerry<br><br>
Quite embarrassing to say the least. I went back to correct something and accidentally posted this twice. I wanted to delete one of them but don't know how. If a moderator sees this please delete one of these. Thank you.

Cool capture! I love the look the mantis is giving you like, "Hey, get away from my breakfast!"
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Cool capture! I love the look the manis is giving you like, "Hey, get away from my breakfast!"

I don't know, I was thinking he looked more like, "Back off dude, or you might be NEXT..." :lol:

Nice capture, Jerry!

Either way, those things creep me out LOL something about the eyes.

Very nice photo!
Thanks everyone for commenting. Wonder if a butterfly is what this mantis was "praying" for.;)


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