

TPF Noob!
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
Caerphilly, Wales
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Thoughts On this picture please.


I dont find the subject that interesting but I really like the softness and colour and just generally the pictures appearance. No PP Has been done.
Hmmm.... I think there's potential, but what really bothers my eye is the abrupt line between blue sky and green background. Yes, it's very softly focused, but it's still drastic enough to have a lot of impact. I think perhaps a closer crop on the plant would have helped.
Agreed, the subject is kinda boring. But its a nice, soft background.

I dont like the black blurb on the left of the subject. It sticks out almost as much as the subject due to the contrast in colour between it and the rest of the bokeh
Dunno but I quite fancy this, tinkered with it a li'l

i prefer the original, but neither do a whole lot for me.
Fair Enough! Thanks For The Comments Though! There is a quality with this picture though that makes me want to leave it natural and unedited.
Fair Enough! Thanks For The Comments Though! There is a quality with this picture though that makes me want to leave it natural and unedited.

I think you are right, and one major thing wrong with my edit is that it takes away the softness from it to which you were attracted to in the first place to take the shot..

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