How do i get this image effect ?


Supporting Member
Jun 8, 2014
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Islamorada ,FL
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I see people doing images like this every where i really want to know how to do it.

I think this is done in Photoshop but i want to know how so if you could point me to a guide or give me some quick tips on doing it in general i mean.



There i own the images now. |:
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It's called HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography. The middle one looks like a composite of two images.

(Before you Google it, make sure you go back and read the site's TOS about posting images that aren't yours.)
It's called HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography. The middle one looks like a composite of two images.

(Before you Google it, make sure you go back and read the site's TOS about posting images that aren't yours.)

I know it is a HDR but there is a effect that is done to them in Photoshop as well that causes that as my HDRs look nothing like that.
I know it is a HDR but there is a effect that is done to them in Photoshop as well that causes that as my HDRs look nothing like that.

Have you tried jacking up the contrast and saturation sliders?

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