Image Stabilization on Lumix DMC G5


TPF Noob!
Jan 12, 2025
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Fort Lauderdale, FL
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I just bought a Lumix DMC G5 on EBay. I got it to see how my Olympus micro lenses would work on it. The lenses work fine. This camera is so small that it is difficult to hold it steady. The camera has image stabilization in the menu, but it is not highlighted so I can't open it to turn it on.

Is this an issue from using a non Lumix lens or is there some way that I am not aware of to get the image stabilization to work. I have an Olympus 75-300 and a 12-200 neither has image stabilization.

As an older camera, I was surprised at the quality of image I am getting using the 2X digital enlargement feature. Now if I could shoot with the camera so it compensated for my hand movements, it would be great.

P.S. The Olympus OM-D MX-1 is one of the best cameras I have ever owned and its image stabilization is amazing.

Thanks for any help you can give me

Hi Rayboy

If you have not yet downloaded the 200+ page User Manual, I suggest that you do so as it / they are full of useful data. Otherwise most pano cameras refer to "O.I.S" .... Optical stability rather then in-body stabilisation. You've got some investigations ahead :)

Hope this helps
Thank you. The G5 I bough has an issue with the flash so I am returning it. Downloaded the manual and from what I can see, the body does not have stabilization. Looking at a G9 or GH5 on E Bay now and both show in body stabilization.
Thank you. The G5 I bough has an issue with the flash so I am returning it. Downloaded the manual and from what I can see, the body does not have stabilization. Looking at a G9 or GH5 on E Bay now and both show in body stabilization.
Right, no IBIS, so the IS shown in the menu would be the OIS in lenses that incude it.

If youre not really into video, you probably dont want a GH series body, better off with the G9. Ive got both, but it wasnt my smartest move lately.

BTW, if you tend to upgrade bodies, go directly to the G9II. Upgrading from a G9 to a G9II is NOT a "smove move". The G9II is absolutely NOT simply a "mark II" version of a G9. Its very much a completely different camera built from an entirely different body series. Ive done it, and its a jarring difference. The two cameras are not kissin cuzzins. Better that Lumix should name it the G10 rather than the G9II.

Id thought a G9 and G9II would be a working pair as two versions of the same camera. Thats not at all the situation. Nothing is the same. Sony makes several versions and "grades" of their a7 series that are the very same camera with different features. ANY two different cameras from the a7 series makes a great working pair. OTOH, a G9 and G9II are the complete opposite of that, like pairing a Lumix and Olympus.
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