How do you do my fellow photographers? Henlo from The San Francisco Bay Area


TPF Noob!
Apr 10, 2023
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Good morveningternoon my dear photographers, how does it go my dudes? It's your boi, Dylan, and today, I will be epically introducing myself. (and no, "henlo" is not a typo)

Who I am:
I am a spiritual, lyrical, miracle individual from Menlo Park, CA with a passion for all sorts of art and especially the likes of 3D modeling, animation, music, filmmaking, photography, film writing, and various forms of literature. I am studying Simulation Science, Games, and Animation at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University - Prescott in Arizona. During high school, I had taken two 3D modeling and animation classes which got me into digital art. Thingstuffwhatever happened, gap year, freshman year as an aerospace engineering student, I got COVID, calc 2 (prerequisite for my entire following semester) dropped second semester, I switch to SSGA that summer. Much of my artistic inspirations come from psychedelic music and adjacent art/culture from the 60's, 70's, and past 15 years. Other influences include video games, film franchises, and YouTube channels like The Legend of Zelda, Star Wars, and TVFilthyFrank respectively.

What I do and my experience:
Among the subjects that my major covers, 3D modeling and animation, film, computer simulation, and data science are my primary interests. Last semester, I took an elective film class which discussed and analyzed many topics of film such as writing, rhetoric, cinematography, screen direction, visual effects, and more before taking a major-specific interactive media course this semester, which actually involved creating our own films and other interactive experiences.

My beginning experience in photography came in the form of casual photography as any smartphone-toting individual would do over the years. My understanding of some of the skills involved were developed in various art (both on paper and digital), drawing, painting, and 3D modeling/animation classes taken throughout middle school, high school, and university. However, a more "serious" or at least independent attempt to apply these skills demonstrating a greater level of intentionality came in the form of virtual aviation photography done in War Thunder, an online game and vehicular combat simulator, while competing in screenshot competitions.

What brought me here:
Through the interactive media class I am currently taking, I have begun working on a somewhat psychedelic video series inspired by the storytelling devices of Yellow Submarine (the 1968 animated film) and The Legend of Zelda series, and the format of The Filthy Frank Show (albeit not by employing the same shock factor or vile humor). The series is something I want to develop as a means of examining my life experiences, reflecting on my past, and expressing myself.

As a result of finding a video about the Canon G7X Mark ii by Ulysses Aoki in my YouTube recommendations on February 2, 2023, I began to explore the wild and beautiful rabbithole of photography. After seeing the quality of the photos he had taken using that camera and hearing his explanation of the usability of the camera for video purposes, I wanted to develop my photography skills in hopes to improve my understanding of color, composition, and other such subject matters. By doing this, I hope to improve my cinematography sense as well, so that regardless of whether I'm using my iPhone 11 Pro's camera, a Canon G7X, or an Arri Alexa LF, I will be able to create something great, something thoughtful, and most of all, something meaningful with the tools I have.

Additionally, I have been working on music which I want to release with high quality cover art. One such project is an album that blends jazz, hyperpop, funk, rock, and other genres which is conceptually centered around the combination of distinctly modern and vintage elements such as aggressive 808's and synths with the likes of pastoral clarinet passages and pensive piano parts. The cover art was originally going to be a well trimmed collage of various musicians on the same stage who influenced the project which no one would expect to see together, but upon receiving feedback from a friend, they said that I should do something more personal. I didn't feel particularly receptive to the idea until I found out that there is someone out there who makes autochrome screen plates (Jon Hilty) which I thought would be the greatest opportunity to capture a distinctly modern subject matter with the oldest commercialized color photo medium. If anyone knows much about the autochrome process, please let me know.

My mindset and objectives:
Given my experience with guitar, piano, and music production, I have learned that as exciting as gear is and as important as your relationship is with your tools, an overzealous obsession becomes a hindrance in the pursuit of creating art and expressing myself. Seeing people collect dozens upon dozens of guitars, amps, and pedals for so many particular tones, levels of gain, or effects, while I could get so much out of one guitar and one amp helped me realize this. I figured out that I could cover an unfathomable amount of ground with as few as two electric guitars, my fuzz pedal with another pedal or two, one or two amps, and an acoustic guitar.

With this understanding, my first objective on this forum is to understand the thought process behind the creative decisions that photographers make in capturing an image and the decisions behind the kinds of gear they select. My second objective is to learn more thoroughly how the technical aspects of a camera connect to those artistic decisions to inform my decision for the one camera I want to purchase. My third, final, and perpetual objective is to hone my craft through doing, sharing, and discussing my work and discussing the work of others here.

Closing statement:
I'm pretty h*cking cool, so keep an eye and a camera out for my grand, impeccable, epic amazingness. You will all love me forever, I assure you. All jokes aside, I look forward to the opportunity to learn from this community, and if ever valuable, to share my own perspective with others.

Also, I need to know as many "rules" of photography as I possibly can. For every rule, there is an opportunity to break a rule... for the sake of breaking that rule, obviously. Some people just want to see the world burn, and I am one of them. (jk I would rather not ❤️)
Welcome to TPF! You win the non-existent TPF prize of the day for most in-depth introductory post. :lol:

Sounds like you have a lot of artistic interests to keep you busy. Glad you're on board. Post some of your work for us!

Rule breaking can be fine in photography, just not any of TPF's rules. ;) Play nice and you'll be fine. Have fun!
Well as said that is some intro. Hi from the south course UK.

Welcome aboard.
Welcome to TPF! You win the non-existent TPF prize of the day for most in-depth introductory post. :lol:
Yeah 😎

Well as said that is some intro. Hi from the south course UK.
What can I say? I'm most certainly some guy. Hi to the south course UK.

Hello and welcome....
Hello and thank you....

Why 4 periods instead of 3? That feels odd... despite being even. 🤣

You're welcome.

Sounds like you have a lot of artistic interests to keep you busy. Glad you're on board. Post some of your work for us!
Rather busy... I'm more of a between the boards kind of guy than an on board guy, but that's just me. I tried to keep the selection of material well measured, but I have a good bit.

Band in a Green Frame - August 6, 2021, 7:48 PM PST | iPhone X

taken while my friends' band, Band Sanitizer, was playing

Untitled Album Cover Concept - August 24, 2021, 12:10 AM PST | unknown iPhone model

taken during a late summer night walk and philosophical discussion with a friend; photo of me, by my friend; directed and edited by me

Arizona in Green - September 2, 2021, 9:38 AM MST | iPhone X

taken from my dorm window

Lights in the Early Morning Grey - January 19, 2022, 5:50 AM MST | iPhone X

taken from the parking lot in front of my dorm building during a period when I would naturally wake up around 5:00 AM for no reason

Great Grandma's Garden - August 6, 2022, 10:11 IST | iPhone 11 Pro

taken from the plant nursery behind my great grandmother's garden in Ireland

Floating on Rainbows - December 28, 2022, 11:45 AM CST | iPhone 11 Pro

taken while flying home to SF from Dallas after Christmas

Arizona in White - March 2, 2023, 8:34 AM MST | iPhone 11 Pro

taken from behind my dorm building before I went to get breakfast that morning

Strange Lights at a Strange Hour - March 12, 2023, 3:02 AM PST | iPhone 11 Pro

taken during my spring break at home after filming footage here for my video series

Heinkel He 162 A - Colorized

done for a class assignment

McDonnell Aircraft XP-67 - Colorized

inspired by the class assignment I had done just before this

Supermarine Scimitar F Mk.1

Mitsubishi Ki-83

North American P-51H
Welcome to TPF! You win the non-existent TPF prize of the day for most in-depth introductory post. :lol:

Sounds like you have a lot of artistic interests to keep you busy. Glad you're on board. Post some of your work for us!

Rule breaking can be fine in photography, just not any of TPF's rules. ;) Play nice and you'll be fine. Have fun!
Soon to appear in hard cover! :)

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