Hummingbird Moth


TPF Noob!
May 1, 2019
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I've always been fascinated by these Hummingbird imitators of the insect world and in particular how their wings seemed to be moving at even a great speed than the actual Hummingbird. Speed does have a lot to do with it, but they also have a secret, their wings are transparent!


  • HummMoth A.jpg
    HummMoth A.jpg
    221.1 KB · Views: 68
Nice shot, pity you could not get closer...................
Thanks Jeff, I have some better ones but I am still struggling with what size to make the photo for upload to this forum. Any suggestions?

Usually 1200 pixels on the longest side is a great size. I have seen a Hummingbird moth here in the garden a couple times, but haven't been able to get pics yet. Thanks for sharing yours!
Pretty cool Ron, I've never seen one before.
Usually 1200 pixels on the longest side is a great size. I have seen a Hummingbird moth here in the garden a couple times, but haven't been able to get pics yet. Thanks for sharing yours!
Hello Dean,
The Hummingbird Moth is an elusive subject, he moves fast and apparently his whole body vibrates with the high speed of his wings (70 beats a second) which makes it necessary to shoot at really high speeds. They also don't like their picture taken and will not let you get too close. I do know though as I have said before if you want to attract these critters as well as most other butterfly and moth species plant a white Butterfly Bush (Buddleia) and you get hordes of beautiful flyers.
I remember the very first time I saw one was at my mother's house in Kentucky. She thought it was a baby hummingbird, lol.
Nice pic! I saw one of those a long time ago and to be honest it scared me a little because I didn't know if it was a huge type of hornet or what, I'd never seen one before or since. I'd almost forgot about it until you posted your pic of it so thanks for the pic and putting my questions about it to rest.

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