I hate my Marriage


TPF Noob!
Jan 10, 2010
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Keota Iowa
Can others edit my Photos
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I had to depict the word misogamy, meaning a person that hates marriage. I have been having trouble getting across meaning in my images so c&c would help. Light composition and general picture tips needed. Thanks

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Break the glass, gouge the eyes out, a couple of knife punctures then I will believe it.
To me the work "hate" would be better depicted if you did above, but that me.;)
Do you have a "spare" wedding photo you could burn? Stab a knife through? Something like that? :D

The leaves to me don't really say hate.... and the beer... well it might, I guess.

I like the composition of this, though.
Yes, I agree this does not show the hate emotion, ripping the photo and smashing frame crossed my mind but I figured my wife would be pretty mad at me. I like the idea behind burning the leaves. I think the bottles should be in more disarray and that might have helped. Thanks for the comments.
There are some aspects to a dissatifaction to the marriage (dead leaves, mixed bottles of booze, feeling boxed-in with the cardboard background), but none of these exemplify Hate IMO.

Hate is a raw emotion. Tearing the picture in half or cutting with scissors maybe. Like with my first wife. I threw all her clothes on the front lawn and then pi$$ed on the pile as I was chugging on a bottle of tequila after I found the evidence. That was raw emotion. The neighbors didn't seem to want to interrupt me for some reason.
yeah it looks like ur just not happy...not hate...lol...char the leaves, break the glass...show us how much u hate being married ;-)
That shot doesn't say "I hate marriage". Methinks a pict of the :wifie: angrily trying to rip the wedding band from her finger while still in the wedding gown and the groom walking away (slightly out of focus) throwing his hands in the air as if to say **** it... ?

It's hard for to imagine it me because I just passed 16 incredible years of marriage with a woman I've lusted for since the very early 80's. :greenpbl:
To me a bottle of scotch or whiskey says I hate my marriage a lot more than a few beer bottles. Also I think an edit with more drama would help... if I remember when I get home, I'll try a quick edit.
I had to depict the word misogamy, meaning a person that hates marriage. I have been having trouble getting across meaning in my images so c&c would help. Light composition and general picture tips needed. Thanks

Take a photo of a man stabbing and whipping a voodoo doll identical to himself with a wedding photo of the him and the bride in the back ground.

The man is chastising himself for his own inability to select a good spouse.

( my shot at complainers: people who always complain about their spouse are simply confessing that they are lousy at choosing a spouse)
Instead of extravagant why not keep it simple? Like maybe a torn heart shaped piece of paper on the wedding album which lies on the pillow on a bed.
Maybe a shot of the wedding pictures through a couple clear alcohol bottles would be a more interesting composition. It still wouldn't effectively convey "hate", but it would be an improvement over this image, I think. The wedding picture would look warped and blurry through the glass.
Personally I would remove any hint of Alcohol from the picture. It gives an impression of the Husband turned abuser kind of feeling instead of a marriage breaking down.
Naw, the redneck in front of his trailer with the white wife-beater tee shirt, blue suspenders, unshaven and PBR beer-gut gives an impression of the husband turned abuser kind of feeling.

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