I need feedback


TPF Noob!
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
San Francisco
I have been working on a project and I am mostly focusing on street pictures. I need some constructive feedback for this one.


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Feedback to what end? What's the background on the project? Without that it's rather hard to provide meaningful feedback; as-is, this just appears to be a snapshot of three people on a street corner in San Francisco...
Welcome to TPF. As tirediron asked, what are you doing?

That's really harsh light. The shadows are too big and too dark. The gentleman is not happy trying to smile while looking into the sun. If you need to keep the photo you can improve it by softening the shadows. You haven't set your edit flag, so I'm going to assume it's OK to make an edit suggestion, but let me know and I'll remove it if you wish.


I also straightened it up.

I am working on a project called- Tourists of San Francisco. I have chosen some spots for these pictures. I go to these spots and try to talk to random strangers, if they are tourists I ask them if would like to be apart of my project.
I need constructive feedback as to how can I improve on this or any add-on.
ince, I am very new to this field, also it will be great if I could get some tips on how to interact with my subjects.


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I am working on a project called- Tourists of San Francisco. I have chosen some spots for these pictures. I go to these spots and try to talk to random strangers, if they are tourists I ask them if would like to be apart of my project.
I need constructive feedback as to how can I improve on this or any add-on.


I love the PhotoBombers.
Some fill flash would help all of these images a lot.


No PhotoBomber
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^^ I'd get rid of the balding head that's also lurking along the flower line in this one, but that's just me.

Hi Meghajain, and welcome to the forum. As the others are stating, these photos aren't particularly bad, per se, but you must learn to line up your subjects carefully. There is more than one instance of cutting off people's feet in the frame, and you need to watch out for the "photobombers", harsh light, distracting shadows or cluttered backgrounds. It's a good idea and sounds like a fun project - and you seem to be having good success at getting people to cooperate with you. :)

So keep trying and keep posting!

The one I like the best of this group is the zig-zag street with the cars coming down at all angles - you did a good job here.

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