Ice Shove - Lake Winnebago


TPF Noob!
Aug 13, 2013
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Each spring, as the ice on the lake starts to melt, it drifts ashore in huge sheets. As the next sheet comes ashore it pushes the previous sheets into large piles. In the park where these were taken, the pile of ice was around 25' high and 30'-40' thick. C&C welcome.




Thanks for your time!
Like the last one best, but I think the first two could be improved by a tighter crop.
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Nice! That would cool a lot of beer!
Very cool pictures that document the ice!

Do you have any that show the scale/height of the ice pile?
Thanks for the comments! I will experiment with a tighter crop on the first two images.
This image might show the size of pile better than the others:
Maybe just me but having something that shows scale in this shot would give that extra wow factor...although a really nice shot... I feel like I'm missing the magnitude of the shot.
I also like the third one, but the others lack scale to properly show their size. It's a tough issue when there isn't really anything near by for the eye to pick up and recognize it's size, thereby giving scale. Is this Lake Winnebago in WI?

The third one has a few nice things going for it, including nicer tones and contrast, as well as the opposing visual textures divided on the diagonal.
Yes, it is Lake Winnebago in Wisconsin. We were at Calumet County Park. I have a few shots with my daughter down at the bottom of the pile, but they all ended up with some camera shake.
I live only about an hour from there and frequent Oskosh. It's a nice area but I've never been to that park.

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