IDK what to use for a title..


No longer a newbie, moving up!
May 25, 2011
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
So I took a very sassy/not-wanting-her-picture-taken 2 yr old and her mom to the park for some pictures. It was cloudy and did start to sprinkle while we were shooting. I thought I'd share a picture since its been awhile since I've posted here.

$F - 122.webp
All that nice green grass and shrubbery and you used a mud-puddle for the foreground????? :shock: The image has an odd feel to it; you seem to have matched fill to ambient to such a level that it almost looks like Mom and child have been composited! I would suggest a tighter crop to make them more the focus of the image.
^ A tighter crop would make it a much better image..
What's going on behind mom's head? Is there some giant flash behind them or something?
What's going on behind mom's head? Is there some giant flash behind them or something?

Looks like there was a flash behind for backlighting... doesn't look like the sun would do that from that angle. Who knows?
On the up side, I really like the background. It's quite lovely, especially with the glow coming in from the left.
What's going on behind mom's head? Is there some giant flash behind them or something?

Looks like there was a flash behind for backlighting... doesn't look like the sun would do that from that angle. Who knows?
It looks to be editing artifacts and the back lighting is from the Sun that is in the upper left corner of the frame.
I backlit it, and was across a little creek. The backlight was powered way too high, and I was shooting while she was happy. I did power down the backlight after a couple happy pictures, but she wouldn't really even look at the camera. :(
I didn't really edit this picture other than darken the background a bit to help my subject pop.
I didn't realize that it looked like a mud puddle until you said something. I guess because I was there I know that it was a beautiful rushing creek so I wanted to keep the water. The picture doesn't need it thought and I can easily crop it in tighter. :)
I backlit it, and was across a little creek. The backlight was powered way too high, and I was shooting while she was happy. I did power down the backlight after a couple happy pictures, but she wouldn't really even look at the camera. :(
I didn't really edit this picture other than darken the background a bit to help my subject pop.
I didn't realize that it looked like a mud puddle until you said something. I guess because I was there I know that it was a beautiful rushing creek so I wanted to keep the water. The picture doesn't need it thought and I can easily crop it in tighter. :)

I thought that backlight was way too strong and direct for the sun to be doing it.. since the sun was not directly behind the subject. The problem is, it makes the subjects look "cut out and pasted"... or "composited" as John mentioned earlier.
pretty shot, but it does look a little off, they are too 'popped' IMO, a little to 'contrasty' I think this photo could be a good candidate for that more washed out kind of processing? Not sure really. Just my 2 cents.
Yeah, after this discussion, I think that it doeas look a little photoshopped - cut/paste.

I love posting pictures on here because it make me take a real critical look at my pictures. lol

Here is another picture taken from a different session, on the opposite side of the creek (so its not a puddy puddle in the foreground) same location, same use of backlight and OCF.

$BK - 19.webp
What are you using for your main light?
A basic Ygnuo (sp?) flash on a trigger diffused with an umbrella.

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