"I'll Be With You In Apple Blossom Time"

I like it ... but a slight burning of the flower looking up and a slight darkening of the background may make this very nice image even nicer.

(We already have fruit on our apple tree.)
I like it ... but a slight burning of the flower looking up and a slight darkening of the background may make this very nice image even nicer.

(We already have fruit on our apple tree.)[/Q

Little more burning on the flower and slight darkening of the background. Not quite satisfied with the bottom center of the image, but not getting what I really want to do in LR, may have to modify it in PS later.

apple blossum-8.jpg by William Raber, on Flickr
What happened to, you know, your photos?
I'm not sure why it's not showing up, Designer commented earlier that it wasn't there then it was. Here's an uploaded version

Apple Blossom Edit.webp

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