I'm bored.

Ron Evers

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jun 28, 2008
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In the country 60km north of Toronto, Canada
Can others edit my Photos
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When is spring coming?
Pun intended, I presume. :)
All the ways you'd be able to molest me with that thing is going through my head right now...
Ron, this time of year spring always seems so far away, then February is just depressing, March starts to lift the spirits a little, and then it's December again, and we all wonder what happened to the middle months. Ottawa is pretty boring as well right now, hard to get motivated when it's cold outside.
Ron, this time of year spring always seems so far away, then February is just depressing, March starts to lift the spirits a little, and then it's December again, and we all wonder what happened to the middle months. Ottawa is pretty boring as well right now, hard to get motivated when it's cold outside.

Back in the sixties I was told that I was being transferred to Cochrane ON to build a road to James Bay - nine months of winter & three months of Black-flies & skeeters.

I handed in my resignation.
Ron, this time of year spring always seems so far away, then February is just depressing, March starts to lift the spirits a little, and then it's December again, and we all wonder what happened to the middle months. Ottawa is pretty boring as well right now, hard to get motivated when it's cold outside.

Back in the sixties I was told that I was being transferred to Cochrane ON to build a road to James Bay - nine months of winter & three months of Black-flies & skeeters.

I handed in my resignation.
You guys need to move to Arizona!! :D
This looks like something that comes as part of one of those universal grinder/reamer/drill kits that you buy at Canadian Tire or Sears tools. I can't remember any brand names, well maybe Mastercraft or DeWalt(?).

Ron, you need to take a winter holiday to some place warm - I'm going to Florida for a bird photography workshop in a little while - looking forward to getting out of this Western cold -> -18°C this morning with 2 to 3 cm of fresh snow - remember the days are getting longer and each one gets you closer to Spring :thumbup: so hold in there...


Very nice.
If you don't mind what is your lighting for this?

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