Ship photography first timer (c&c)


TPF Noob!
Jul 18, 2011
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New York City
Can others edit my Photos
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literally have never taken any photos of a ship before, this is the first time i've ever tried. any and all C&C is welcome, just try not to be too harsh ;)

seafaring by t_hayat, on Flickr
This is incredibly noisy for a day time image with an ISO of only 125. Even on a D3100. Did you add noise to the picture at all?

What were you going for when you took this shot?
I added a bit of noise, yes. I was going for a 60's film camera look, but might have failed hopelessly
You posted the same photo yesterday. Any reason for posting it again?
My other post got zero replies, so I decided to only post a single picture in hopes of getting at least something on it
My other post got zero replies, so I decided to only post a single picture in hopes of getting at least something on it

Don't make a new thread, just bump the original thread by clicking a reply and saying "bump". The problem is, you have wayyyyyy more beginners than you do experienced photographers due to the influx of christmas cameras. There are more people on here that are seeking help than are giving it so wait it out.
I added a bit of noise, yes. I was going for a 60's film camera look, but might have failed hopelessly

My advice for you is to stay away from going for "looks" right now and just try to master the basics first.

Besides the noise, what do you see here. What do you like about it? What do you dislike it about it?
C&C per req: It's a start, but IMO, could be improved. Bin the noise for now and get the image sorted technically, then worry about getting artistic. Level it, adjust the exposure slightly so that there's more detail in the dark areas, and then see what you've got. Like people, photographs of ships and cars, trains, etc, are more interesting when they're coming into the photo.
@Ballistics I would have liked to get a bit closer to the ship for this picture, but it wasn't really viable as I myself was on another ship. Other than that, I personally thought the picture had a chilly, ocean-like feel to it, and you told me to not focus on this, but it reminded me of pictures of ships and harbors in magazines circa 1960-70. But ultimately, I was wondering what other people thought of it, hence the post here.
I would have liked to get a bit closer to the ship for this picture, but it wasn't really viable as I myself was on another ship. Other than that, I personally thought the picture had a chilly, ocean-like feel to it, and you told me to not focus on this, but it reminded me of pictures of ships and harbors in magazines circa 1960-70. But ultimately, I was wondering what other people thought of it, hence the post here.

Well sometimes, images can be supported by a direction from the creator. Also, by telling us what you were trying to achieve, we can help you get there if you "fail hopelessly" at trying.

As for the image, tirediron pretty much nailed my thoughts. The bow needs some leading room.
A bit tricky for a first try - you have quite a dynamic range, from the dark side of the ship to the lighter cloudy sky and your camera sees more sky than ship, so it underexposes the side of the ship and there is no detail to be seen. If you shoot raw, you can try and bring out the detail in the side of the ship with a grad filter in the software. The other thing you have to watch is the horizon, or any part of the image that can be used as a horizon, such as the shoreline in this image. The horizon needs to be flat, in this image, it tilts to the right - again, you can often fix this in post-processing. I am also with Ballistic - try and master the basics first and then you can go for looks. Also, it appears that you have a sky with some fairly decent/potential features - you should be able to bring those out in post-processing.


Thanks for all the feedback guys, I really appreciate it. Now my other question is, I have a few other photos that I would also like some C&C on, but I'm not sure how to proceed doing that. I have a previous post with them in this forum, should I just bump that post? Or should I make a new thread altogether?
Just "bump" the post - people get a bit "cranky" (well you know) when you post things more than once...


Thanks for all the feedback guys, I really appreciate it. Now my other question is, I have a few other photos that I would also like some C&C on, but I'm not sure how to proceed doing that. I have a previous post with them in this forum, should I just bump that post? Or should I make a new thread altogether?

Post 2 or 3 at a time. People tend to complain about it if there is more than that per thread.

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