Images disappearing?


TPF Noob!
Jan 15, 2011
Reaction score
Va Beach
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I snapped a few pics of the extreme makeover house the other night. I got home a put the card in my netbook and showed them to the wife. I put the card back in the camera for the next day. I got to a friends house and went to show him the pics and it said "unable to display". It lost all the pics I had took that night. Am I doing something wrong. Any help would be great.
Is your upload application set up to delete images after upload?
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im assuming you have windows due to it being a netbook..did you safely remove hardware?
another thought. Did you happen to rotate them with windows 7? When you put the card back into the camera it won't read the file as it has been changed.

IF so, it should read on a computer.
Not set to erase but I have rotated them before and that makes since. I did not safely remove it so I'll try these options. Thane for the info.

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