In an ally


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Sep 16, 2014
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Comments welcome! These where shot in an ally in my city.


  • den bosch 136.jpg
    1.7 MB · Views: 112
  • den bosch 142.jpg
    1.9 MB · Views: 142
I like the first one, but in the second I would like to have seen more of the bike.
I would love to see a photo of a Bossche Bol.
In neither of these is it obvious what you were wanting me to look at.
The first might be an attractive design but the perspective distortion is totally distracting.
I don't understand the second.
Why crop off the bike only to include a blank wall?
Why shoot down?
I just am not getting what you are showing us.


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I hear you, with the window I like the oldness of it, the look but it was really hard to photograph as it was in a tiny ally so I couldnt get farther away from it. I agree the angle is off.
With the bike I liked the old faded look of the wall compared to the bright roses on the bike. But I shouldve maybe composed it differently. I didnt take time just shot it as I walked by.
In regars the second, you need to home in on what is important and compose on that. You need to compose so that the viewer knows what is important and what to ignore.

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