
I just treated myself to a late Christmas present today. I happened to be near an Apple store and said "Fark it, I'm buying one". So here I am, playing with my iPad deuce. I don't have a photography business but I am a serious shooter and I like the easibility of having a portfolio on it. I'm slowly transitioning everything to Apple and I'm only a MacBook Pro away (and a lot of saving) from being fully integrated into iCloud heaven.

Shoulda held off a month or two... Rumor has it the iPad 3 is launching very soon. ;)
I absolutely love my iPad. It's great for everything. No exaggeration.
I'm typing this on my own iPad actually.. I got an iPad (1) about 2 months ago and so far it's a lot of fun, but aside from showing images, not terribly useful for a photographer IMO. Bottom line, I'd pay $200 for one, full price is not worth it. All The iPad is, is a giant glorified iPhone that doesn't make calls.I'd get a 1st gen off Craigslist if you don't need a camera.I use square to ring clients up, the google app to coordinate my invoices and calandars, and the gmail app. That's about it. I can use my cell phone for all that though.The default mail client blows too, it constantly logs me out of my personal email acct. when I'm not connected to my own wi fi.Works great with mobile hotspot on a phone, so don't get the 3G model........i dunno...it's just a toy really..
Oh yeah, and it sucks on this forum. I totally had spaces in that post.

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