Is It Possible?


TPF Noob!
Feb 16, 2009
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Can others edit my Photos
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Ha Ha... guess I should have been more specific, deserved that one I suppose. I am planning on doing photography for musicians and so on, and am trying to achieve a result close to this. How would I go about doing that?
practice, practice, practice with a bit of talent 1.01
To answer you question, these shots are more than possible with a camera like a D90. It's more the lighting and then PP on these pics, most DSLR's on the market today can take pics this good in quality.
pictures like this are possible with almost any camera.

All you need is some good lighting and a bit-o-post-processing.
Very simple to pull off, really. For the Lil Wayne shot, I suppose there are 4 lights used (background light, 2 strip lights or bare lights on either side of subject and a beauty dish above camera.) For Beckham, one large softbox would be sufficient.
Good ole photoshop will polish off the rest.
Thanks for the tips guys... definitely opened my eyes a little, all this time I thought it required millions of dollars. Anyone know where I could maybe find some lighting kits to purchase? On Ebay they have a bunch of different kits, but Im not sure what exactly I should look for in a kit to achieve the results Id want. Any idea which lights I should be looking for? And perhaps a suggested price, seeing as I am sometimes iffy about scams on Ebay?

Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the tips guys... definitely opened my eyes a little, all this time I thought it required millions of dollars. Anyone know where I could maybe find some lighting kits to purchase? On Ebay they have a bunch of different kits, but Im not sure what exactly I should look for in a kit to achieve the results Id want. Any idea which lights I should be looking for? And perhaps a suggested price, seeing as I am sometimes iffy about scams on Ebay?

Thanks in advance.

You REALLY need to do some research and reading to learn how to use lighting before purchasing anything. Go to Strobist and read on there for about a week (not joking) and then you will have enough knowledge to know which lights to purchase and you'll have the general knowledge of what to do with the lights when you get them.

I use a single SB-600 with my D90 and produce some really nice results. It's more about knowing what to do than having the best equipment. There are members on here that could shoot better stuff with a D40 and pair of SB-600's than I probably could with a D700 and an SB-800.
All the equipment in the world won't help if you don't know how to use it...and how to use light to create the images you want. Your first step should be education...books, websites, classes etc. Hopefully you will learn about equipment along the way, and won't have to ask what you should purchase.

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