It is Whooping Crane time!

Bill in Texas

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Dec 31, 2023
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Texas USA
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These are from January of this year. My wife and I are leaving tomorrow to camp for several days near where these were taken. The Whooping Cranes have returned from Canada to their wintering grounds in Aransas Co. and the surrounding area.

Great shots! I hope most of them made it and are doing well.
Gorgeous set, looks like it was a successful outing!
Very good shooting ...

Very nice set of images! Looks like a couple of Sandhill Cranes as well.

Great shots! I hope most of them made it and are doing well.

Gorgeous set, looks like it was a successful outing!

Thanks for the comments.

Jeff, at this place the Sandhill cranes will mix with the Whoopers.

Ed, the 8th St. pasture is already crowded from other photos I have seen.

Mitch, it was and I'm looking forward to another.

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